I’d like to take a few minutes to explain Noteworthy Cards’ slogan, ‘The gift of words’, and mission statement:
‘Our mission is to inspire people to love generously through words of encouragement while funding life-changing gifts for people suffering in poverty.’
In this first blog post, I’ll focus on loving generously through words of encouragement. In part two, I’ll talk about funding life-changing gifts for people suffering in poverty.
Loving generously through words of encouragement
In Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages, he explains that there are five different love languages in which people express and experience love: quality time, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. We all vary in which one we naturally lean towards.
Personally, I’m an acts of service guy—I like to do things to help people, and I like it when others do things to help me. That is my primary love language. For me, gifts and words of affirmation (affection, praise and appreciation) are my lowest ranked love languages—I still do appreciate them, but I feel much more loved by acts of service. Because of this, I’m not naturally inclined to offer gifts and words of affirmation to others.
However, my wife greatly values gifts and words of affirmation, so it’s really important that I work hard to speak those love languages to ensure she feels loved. Early in our marriage I thought I was loving her by cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes—and she was thankful for this—but it didn’t make her feel loved. What she really wanted was for me to sit with her on the couch and talk to her!

One of the reasons I founded Noteworthy Cards is that I wanted to create a variety of cards that I could give to my wife to express my love for her. She always appreciates receiving cards filled with words of affirmation and encouragement, so I make an effort to give her way more cards than I’m naturally inclined to write!
I know for a fact that I’m not the only one who finds it difficult sharing words of affirmation, and my hope is to provide cards which make it easier for everyone to give thoughtful notes to their loved ones. For example, with these ‘Three reasons …’ cards you simply need to write three specific things you appreciate about the person. Saying ‘I love you’ is nice, but it’s even better telling someone why you love them!
I believe the world would be a better place if everyone received more encouragement. Words are powerful; they have the ability to put smiles on faces and fill hearts with joy. I hope that you will be generous with words of affirmation—for the people in your life to feel loved through thoughtful words you’ve taken time to write inside a card.
Don’t underestimate the positive impact that encouragement can have!
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