I’m pleased to introduce you to Noteworthy Cards—an Australian social enterprise selling greeting and encouragement cards while donating 100% of profits to fund life-changing gifts for people suffering in poverty.
The idea that led to Noteworthy Cards first came to me in 2010. Back then I was working as a graphic designer, and my plan was to design and sell greeting cards on the side to supplement my income. After making some initial progress with the idea, life became busy and I lost interest. As each year passed the idea returned to me with fresh motivation to make it happen. Again, the inspiration was buried underneath the busyness of life.
In 2016, I was challenged to think about how I could use my time and skills to make a difference in the world. I was a big fan of Thankyou and Who Gives A Crap—two Australian social enterprises who sell useful products and donate their profits to help fight poverty—and I realised that my greeting card idea could be developed into a social enterprise. Instead of selling cards to make more money for myself, I could use the profits to help people suffering in poverty.
While I loved the idea, for some time I wrestled with the thought of committing hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars into it. But with consistent encouragement from my wife, I finally decided to give it a go. In June 2017, I committed myself to the idea and began developing the project in spare time. 300 days later, Noteworthy Cards was officially launched on Friday 6 April, 2018.

I’m excited about the potential of this unique Australian social enterprise. Everyone gives greeting cards, but now you can give cards which make a difference for more than just the recipient. With 100% of profits being donated towards gifts that support community, education, good food, good health, safe water and sanitation, together we can change lives for the better.
However, funding life-changing gifts for people suffering in poverty is just one objective of Noteworthy Cards. We also aim to inspire people to love generously through words of encouragement, which I’ll be blogging about soon.
In the meantime, I hope you’ll be inspired to think about how you can make a difference in the world. Even if it’s through purchasing toilet paper from Who Gives A Crap, hand wash from Thankyou, and greeting cards from Noteworthy Cards, your buying decisions can make a life-changing impact for people in need.